About Cherryapple Shoppe

Welcome to Cherryapple Shoppe! Olshop ini menjual berbagai Korean products, antara lain KPOP STUFF, KOREAN FOODS, KOREAN FASHION, KOREAN COSMETICS, dll.

Cara pemesanan, bisa dilihat di sini.

Pricelist kosmetik masih kita edit. Untuk yg ingin tau harga kosmetik, silakan email atau sms  ya^^

Kita bukan olshop penipu, kalo gak percaya silakan cek di rumah owner di Mlayan RT/RW : 029/012, Kalitengah, Wedi, Klaten 57461 a.n Yoh. Suradi ato ke kost owner di Kost Idjoe Jl Kantil Timbulrejo, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283

Reseller are welcome :) Baca syarat dan ketentuan menjadi reseller/dropshipper di sini.

Welcome to Cherryapple Shoppe! This store sell any Korean products, like KPOP STUFF, KOREAN FOODS, KOREAN FASHION, KOREAN COSMETICS, etc.

How to order? You can check here.

Cosmetics pricelist still on editing. For know the price, please email or sms us.

We are not cheater, if you don't believe us then check to our owner's home at Mlayan RT/RW : 029/012, Kalitengah, Wedi, Klaten 57461 p.p Yoh. Suradi or go to owner's boarding house at Kost Idjoe Jl Kantil Timbulrejo, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283

Reseller are welcome :) Read the terms and conditions to be reseller/dropshipper here.

Cherryapple Shoppe

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